Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wisconsin have so many weird names

Day 4 of my short vacation

On this day my brother-in-law took off from work. I was woken up really early in the morning and we visited the state capitol of Wisconsin. It looks exactly like the state capital of D.C. We went inside and saw the beautiful dome with all the angel paintings. We then went close to the roof and got out on the balcony to enjoy the view. It was very breezy up there and refreshing although it was drizzling. The rain eventually top by the afternoon. After the capitol we visited the zoo, which I've been to like a thousand time. We went because my dad never been. I finally got to see lions at that particular zoo and also penguins. The visit to the zoo was very brief for it is very small and it was still raining. We then picked up my sister from work and went to my brother-in-law's job for lunch. They serve really good lunch there. I had salmon with rice and something like quiche. Next we went to Devil's lake which I have already been too. I made sure I had a lot of bug spray on me. I'm tired of bug bites, which I eventually got too. We walked 75% of the mountain. We didn't reach the top because my parents were tired. The way down for me was very difficult because I guess after so many years of not been mountain climbing, I have developed a fear of heights. A very big fear of heights. Also, my sister's tennis shoes were kinda slippery. We then went home for dinner and then later on that evening my sister took my back to the mall for clothes shopping. I got a few shirts and my sister brought me another earring. :) I'm not done with my shopping completely. I hope the coupon for VS still works for the 7 for $25 deal. That I'll do back in MD.

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