Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm starting to not remember lol

Day 6 of my short vacation

Hmm...what did I do? In the morning we went to eat at old country buffet for a buffet breakfast. Next we went to an off the road fishing site to feed ducks. Then we went to the arboretum, which I've been to MANY times. It was really hot that day and I got a mosquito bite :( Luckily I was able to catch the mosquito in it's act and kill it while it was sucking my blood. Then we went to the grocery store AGAIN and I got Inglorious Bastards . That movie lack substance. It was a joke movie. Too much foreign language too. I was basically reading the movie. I fell asleep watching and when I woke up it was like I didn't miss anything. I only woke up because the gun fire in the movie woke me up. We then went to walmart. Then we stayed in the house the rest of the evening. I played with the rabbit. I think it was this day that my brother-in-law caught a chipmunk in the yard. It was so scared and fiesty lol.

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