Monday, July 12, 2010


Switzerland, a neutral nation, the perfect democratic nation, a wonderful place to live? LIES I tell you. Because Switzerland released Polanski, I feel petty enough to attack this oh-so wonderful country. Though I will say this: their chocolate is the best.

Switzerland is known to be a neutral country with helping other countries solve diplomatic disputes. If I recall correctly, I believe it was Switzerland that helped the US communicate to North Korea for the release of the two American reporters. If they were a neutral nation, they wouldn't have taken judgement and release Polanski. Does Switzerland not believe in justice? Oh wait...they don't.

Last semester my honors professor was telling the class about her long term stay in Switzerland. Here are some facts she told:

  • In order to stay in any neighborhood/community, every single citizen must vote on it. I don't remember if the vote has to be unanimous or if majority rules.
  • People in your neighborhood/community gossip a lot. Your every move is monitored.
  • They do not have representatives so every decision is made by a people's vote. You can just imagine how long it takes for decisions/laws to be made.
  • If you are tried in court, you are not given the opportunity to speak. You may not be given the opportunity to appeal either.
  • The police over there feel that they are above the law and most of the time won't do their job.
  • If you are a foreigner and you're in jail, don't expect the embassy to be aware of your situation and try to rescue you. The Swiss are horrible at communicating. Expect to be in jail forever. There's this man that has been in jail for like 20 years. Oh and jail is NOT pleasant over there.
I could look up on these to verify, but I'm too lazy. Anyway...I have a headache. My point of this blog is to say YOU SUCK SWITZERLAND and to think twilight made a reference to you with Team Switzerland...*sigh* not that I'm a twilight fan but whatever.

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