Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh how I love headline stories

So I figure I should use this blog again. I deleted many of my old posts because I was too ashamed of what I wrote-writer's guilt you know lol. This is why I can never have a diary. I'll just end up ripping up page-after-page-after-page. Well I really want to express my opinion on certain subjects and I figure Facebook status updates are not the best place for people will start deleting you off their friend list- bunch of losers :p

Anyway, today I was informed that Roman Polanski will not be extradited back to the United States. Before I never cared much about this story, but suddenly after being informed of this I feel outraged. For those who don't know, Polanski was charged with the rape of a 13-year-old girl back in 1977. Here's the link anyone wants to read the story:

Those in favor of Polanski's, release say that it has been so many years so the US should just let him go. He has many many Oscar nominated movies and overall is a good man. Yes, it has been many years, but I don't think that is a good enough excuse to let a crime go unpunished. Polanski was a coward and fled the country once he was charged with the crime. What kind of precedent does this set for future generations? Where is the justice? If Polanski truly felt sorry for his mistake, he should come back to the US and face his punishment. The US treats celebrity criminals pretty decent. I mean look at Lindsey Lohan, but that is for another story lol.

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