Tuesday, July 27, 2010

While digging through my suitcase...

After I signed off online and was about to sleep, I decided to look at the new clothes I bought that were still in my suitcase. This still being Monday-the day I arrived. As I was digging in, a big spider was crawling around on my clothes. I got up to get tissues, but when I arrived I lost the spider. He must've dig into my clothes and hid somewhere. I was so pissed that I just closed my suitcase back up and hope it suffocates to death. 

So today I decided to wash my clothes. I couldn't find the spider as I was putting my clothes in the washer nor could I find it as I took it out. I hope it drowned to death in the washer. I really hope it didn't escape when I was getting tissues last night to kill it lol. 

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