Thursday, July 29, 2010


So in case you haven't kept up with the news lately, on Wednesday morning a federal judge eliminated the passages of the Arizona immigration law that enables officers to check the status of an immigrant during an arrest, traffic stop, or detention. Also, the judge got rid of forcing immigrants to carry their citizenship papers and allowing officers to make warrentless arrest of suspected illegal immigrants.

I agree with what the federal judge has done. I do believe racial profiling will occur with this law. After 9/11 did people not look at Middle Easterners and even Indians with skepticism? If officers have to be on the look out for illegals there are going to look at all Hispanics with some suspicion. You can be an illegal at any age so that puts kids in that group of possible illegals. Don't forget officers have a quota to meet.

All an officer needs to check your immigration status is "suspicion." I remember Elizabeth Hasselbeck said on The View that an officer needs to arrest you, but that's not true. An officer can easily suspect someone of a crime. Especially if the officer has something against you. Also, imagine you are a legal citizen and walking down a street and an officer is behind you. I don't know about you but I'll be nervous and might walk faster because I know that officer is probably on my case. It's just like when I'm driving the speed limit and a police car is behind me. I'll be nervous. It takes that little nervousness for an officer to say he can suspect you of being an illegal. This is a major inconvenience for legal immigrants in the U.S.

I'm all for immigration reform, but I don't think Arizona is going about it the right way. If it were up to me, I'll have all the illegals become legals. That way they'll pay for taxes and help stimulate the economy. If they don't want to become legals, then that's fine too. They can leave safely. To find illegals I think the government needs to do a better job at checking immigration status for things involving public aid and tax payer money (i.e. hospital visits, education, etc). I don't think having officers check immigration status is a good idea because they can be bias.

I don't think having illegal immigrants become legal is a bad idea because they usually take jobs most Americans don't want anyway. I mean who wants to farm in the hot sun. Hopefully with the illegals, Americans will realize they need to step up their education to strive for better jobs.

On a another note, many illegals want to go back to their home country due to the recession but they can't because they'll be punished by the U.S. government. It is a lose-lose situation for them. Reform is definitely needed. It's just sad it took this long to be in the headlines.

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