Saturday, August 14, 2010

My yesterday

Yesterday I went to hang out with my old high school friends. I picked up my friend and then went straight for the light rail station, where we waited for our other friends to join us. Turns out our friends were waiting in the car and we didn't notice them lol. I usually don't like to identify people's names on here since anyone can see this,so I will use the the initial of their first name for those who do know whom I am talking about.

T was waiting with me when H (a girl) came towards us first. A was buying his ticket, while D was parking his car to a better spot. When H, T, and I were talking, this ghetto-looking man said hi to us. We all ignored him and then H decided to say "Who is that? I wasn't going to say hi to him! I don't know you! *chuckle*." The ghetto man  heard what H said. This whole time I was upset that H said that because he was only a feet away from us so of course he heard! Then that ghetto mad decided to say "What's your name baby?" H turned around and the ghetto man was behind me and T and kept saying "What's your name? Tell me your name please." I don't know who he was addressing to because H, T and I all had our backs turned towards him and he was behind T and I. Luckily, A and D came to our rescue and the ghetto was like "Oh I see..." and then walked away. Thank goodness!

D called O to see where he is and it turns out this funny guy went to the wrong light rail station. We told him to get on the next train since he is a stop before us. While on the train, we all asked each other how's college and all that kind of stuff. I asked O where he works and being the bum he is he told me he works at a mental institution. Being annoyed by his antic I decided to keep on asking him where he works until he'll tell me the truth. A and D who sat on front of me then told me "Seriously Tracy, if you say that one more time...." Being the stubborn person I am, I asked the question again. A and D then gave me the death stare, looked towards another ghetto man and told me to stop and they'll tell me why later. Turns out this ghetto man was giving me the death stare and looked like he was about to punch me. I shut up but I was so mad. Why should I have to be quiet because of this man? Why should I be in fear of my safety. Ridiculous society we live in!

If it weren't so me we would've missed our stop lol. I guess I'm the only one that pays attention. Nothing has changed even after 2 years. Next, we got off the train and met L who was waiting there with her boyfriend. We decided to walk towards the harbor. Some people were hungry so we went to one of the pavilions. D wanted to go to Uno's. I was not planning on eating something, but if we go to Uno's I guess we had to. When we got seated, I asked D does he know there's a service fee because we had a group of people. He didn't know and asked the waiter if it's true. The waiter said yes lol. We decided to let it go since we were already seated. We ate, we laughed, we took pictures. By the time the billed came, like usually there's always money issues. We were short by a few bucks but luckily the boys stepped up and paid the difference. L also contributed a lot because she didn't want to be cheap. It made me feel bad, but hey I'm broke. We  decided to not leave an extra tip since A says the gratuity fee is the tip lol. We paid like $3 in a bunch of coins ranging from nickels to quarters lol. We were all embarrassed to pay in coins, but hey coins are currencies lol.

When we left, we took a few photos by the harbor. It water level was extremely high that day. I guess from all the rain we got the night before. We then decided to leave because D says the light rail closes early. On our way, we stopped at an crosswalk. We weren't suppose to walk yet, but when D saw these police men on bikes crossing, D decided to walk too. I followed behind. Then we noticed cars were speeding towards our direction. The others stayed behind not wanting to get killed, while D and I ran for our lives across the street. I was so worried the police officers will cite us for jay walking, but hey they were at fault too. D then scolded me for being crazy like him. He told me I could've killed myself lol. We later said our goodbyes to L and her boyfriend and then headed to the light rail. T and I were worried because we only brought a single trip ticket, while the rest brought round trip ticket. I decided to buy single trip because T told me it'll be cheaper. She was mistaken lol. D told us not to worry because they usually don't check. So we decided to take that gamble. D even exchanged tickets with me to make me feel better. Though he did caution that it'll be extremely funny if we got kicked off lol. Luckily everything worked out and no one was there to check. T and I saved a $1.60 lol. While on the train, the train stopped at a stop and told passengers that if they weren't getting off the next stop, they need to get off at this stop. I was the only person paying attention and thank goodness for me and this lady for paying attention, we got off.  The train conductor did repeat himself a couple of times though, but we couldn't fully hear everything he said.

We waited for the next train and hope it was still going to come because it was getting late and he didn't want to miss the last train. Luckily it came and we got on happy. At the stop before ours, this man asked T did she buy or make her white shirt. T thought he got to be seriously kidding so she said she made it. The man got up to leave and waited for the door to open. T then decided to tell us what the man said and said that he was stupid to believe her and some other mean stuff lol. She didn't notice but the man was still there and that heard EVERYTHING she said. The man was white btw. Fortunately for her, he just left when the door opened. Afterwards, everyone asked T was she nuts because the man was still there lol. Geez the kind of friends I have lol. Please people look around before you speak. T didn't care because she will never see him again. We reached our stop, said our goodbyes to O who gets off at the next stop. The rest of us then said our goodbyes once we got off. D decided to drive his car up to the people he was carpooling. T and I walked to my car. Seriously A and H who were catching a ride with D could've walked to his car. It was not far away, but D is always a gentleman.

While dropping off T, these stupid white kids were skipping towards my car. If I hadn't driven a little bit faster, I could've seriously hit them. They were freaking waiting for my car to come near them so they can skip towards me and have me hit them. STUPID KIDS THESE DAYS! Mind you it was very dark at night!  I then dropped off T and then I went home. The end lol.

Ok...this post was mainly for Tonia. Look at what you missed missy! lol Sorry for the extreme length. I'm a prick for details lol.


  1. So you leave out everyone else's name except for this "Tonia" girl. How rude! lol anywayyyy, ur a prick but there were typos :P
    and Wow! a lot happened. Glad it was fun and memorable though. LMBO @ "T"!!!...and "H" and you. like Dang!
    and btw ur WHACK for using initials. All confusing

  2. I knew you'll complain about me using your name. Tonia is a common name so I figured it's ok lol. I will fix the typos later. You think I want to read that monster essay lol.

  3. umm WTH. I didnt say that was name!
